Campus Directors
In John 10:10 Jesus says “I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly.” Austin and Amanda experienced this in many ways throughout their college experience. Through one-to-one discipleship, daily Bible reading, and watching peers follow Jesus in authentic ways, they realized that true life was found only in Jesus. This continues to be their aim each day, to help college students see and experience the life that only Jesus can bring. Austin and Amanda grew up in Kansas and went to Emporia State University where they first met and got married. They then moved to Denver to attend Denver Seminary before joining The Navigators at Kansas State and now serving as the Campus Directors at the University of Arkansas since 2015.

Associate Campus Director and Navigator Representative
While Michael and Amanda were in college, God used life-to-life discipleship to help them grasp that He could use their ordinary lives to advance His Kingdom. Their desire to see the Lord do the same transformative work in students’ lives through the gospel led them to join Navigator staff and continue His work on college campuses. They have served at Texas A&M, the University of Texas at Austin, and joined the team at the University of Arkansas in 2021. In their free time, you’ll find Michael playing all the sports, Amanda doing artsy-craftsy-nifty projects, and both of them attempting to take their beagle for a walk and beating their friends in game nights.

Navigator Representative
Ellen joined Navigator staff in 2018 and came to the University of Arkansas in 2020. During her time in college, Ellen developed a desire to help the next generation know and follow Jesus. This led her to go on staff with The Navigators, where she has the privilege of mentoring college women as they discover the Gospel. In her free time, Ellen likes to hang out with her husband Carter, her friends, and cook. What you may not know about Ellen is that she was the regional spelling bee champ for 5 years straight! She would love to get tacos or coffee with you!

Associate Navigator Staff
Kenna was introduced to The Navigators while she was a student at the University of Arkansas. As she learned about God's deep love for her, it grew an excitement to share His love with others.The people and ministry had such an immense impact on her personal spiritual journey that she joined EDGE Corps after graduating in May 2021. Kenna loves cheesy rom-coms, buying books, and going to Goodwill. You can usually find her wearing Chacos year-round, and she is always down for a chocolate milkshake and a fun-filled game night!

Navigator Representative
Inspired by the words of Jesus in Luke 12:48, Joy has a desire to make Jesus and the Bible come to life with others. She has been on staff with The Navigators since 2004, and has specifically been serving on the University of Arkansas campus since 2006. She loves hanging out, listening to audiobooks, and going on adventures both near and far with her husband, Jeff, and three kids (William, Benjamin, and Aowyn). A fun fact about Joy is that she can say the 50 states in alphabetical order, and of those states she has visited 48!

Associate Navigator Staff
Michael has been on staff with The Navigators since 2008. He attended the University of Arkansas in the early 2000s and was blessed to be one of the students involved when The Navigators ministry was restarted here! Dr. Jill got her doctorate in Chemistry and a husband from her time at Texas A&M. They are both passionate about engaging with eternal things, and they see discipleship as of the utmost importance. They are stoked to host events and trips for students!

Associate Navigator Staff
Bart and Karen met The Navigators as freshmen in the late 1970s at the University of Arkansas. As young believers, they were helped greatly in learning the basics of the Christian life. Through their involvement, they established life-long friendships and gained purpose in their lives: to know Christ and to make Him known. The Browns have stayed involved with The Navigators in community and collegiate ministries throughout their 40 years of marriage while running a small business. Their family life and service in the local church have been enhanced by experience with The Navigators.